Tuesday, 28 April 2009

ShElTer FaShIon ShOw

Regenerate Clothing designed this Khaki colored Recycled Shirt made from 100% cotton and hand printed with swallows and wing design using bronze metallic ink. 

The piece will be sold at PROJECTS today, Nottingham, all proceeds will go to Shelter.

To help keep the homeless off the street. :)


AnOtHer EsCoPaDE In The LaNd Of NoTts, We Had A SecReT PaRtY In ThE sHop ThEN GateCrAsHeD A BlAmOnJe PaRtY aNd goT ThRoWn Out FoR PlAYiNG On The BaLcOny.... EnOuGh WiTh CoNtRoL FrEaKS.... ItS All AboUt DaNcIng To The BeaT

Monday, 6 April 2009

WhAt GoEs DoWn In The DaM MaN!

This is my Alternative guide to Amsterdam a collection of adventures...
off the beaten track...

I rolled down to The Dam with the Waste crew and Spinsters emporium, in search to find out what was happening in the hood! First day I arrive and head north to Jorden and beyond.. street after street, i stumble in the sun, quit moving and sat on my suitcase, to watch the people and get a vibe of the city! Whilst skanky men come up to me in my police hat and leathers
'Are you looking for sum' I am shocked 'Nah.. thanks mate!' again get stopped time after time, I realise I am in the wrong place and wearing wrong outfit... I ve been up for 21 hours head spinning i sit by the canal watch the sun set, and try not to fall in then meet SpInsters and Waste and Hit Cut N PaSte a live art exhibition, where artists battle each other, on photoshop n illustrator! 1000 peeps in Paradisco all up for a bit of art.... Crazy night!! ;P DoNna n NOrm you know wot im saying!

We head to BaR Karma and Soundgarden then Croggy into the night on bikes, accompanied by crazy Americans! Day two I watch Parrots from Salomes balcony, n head for 9 streets, met hundreds of stockists n specially loved Wolf N pAck, Supermarket n Concrete for there wears!

DaY three me N Salome head out on bikes round the city, we hit the organic market, Windmills, Beer making factory, Canals, Red Light district, Turkish area, N Dam Square where I took part in the biggest Pillow fight of my life! After which we headed back to flat covered in feathers, N Ellen N Co came down from Rotterdam and we went parting till early hours!!! AmStERdAM You RuLE AnD I WilL Be BacK Soon, WoOdeN ShOeS N All....