Monday, 30 March 2009

Flood It!

It Was ReGeNeRaTes FiRst LiVe ArT EvEnT FlOod IT! 12 ArTiStS aNd DesIGnErs ScReeN PrInT ArT ExHiBiTiON, WhErE PeOPlE CaME FrOm AlL oVeR the CouNTrY TO WAtCH MiSS ReGeNeRATE, PrInt ThErE T-ShiRT, JaCKEt, SkIRt, DreSS...

OtHer ArtIsTS InClUdeD
Live Art From:

Waste (
Dilk (
Jo Cope (
Spinster's Emporium (
Jennie Webber
Calvin Sangster
Simeon Hartwig (
Regenerate Clothing (
Alex Godwin (
David Ford (
Jeffrey Bowman (

Zineswap also graced us with their presence for some zine swapping action (

ThErE werE aT leaST 400 PeoPle It Was MeNtAl


Saturday, 21 March 2009

Projects Regenerate Photoshoot

Here is our Latest Shoot by projects, Nottingham.
Projects is Nottinghams only Small designer Independent and have supported Regenerate from Day one.

Monday, 9 March 2009


Went to Subism, with a group of mates, Live Art, Grafitti, and a Dj mixing with his Game Boy and a live sax, It was really different and friendly. Hoping to organise something like this in the summer but an outdoor party with sound system and Fashion show.

The Shop Launch Party

Went to the Launch Party of The Shop, an amazing art gallery/shop space, run by a group of artists in Nottingham. 

Regenerate is now being sold in The Shop, as seen in the front window and modeled by some ugly looking mullet men!

Had a great time at the launch party and met some really talented artists and designers, also got more collaborations lined up, so watch this space.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Iglu and Hartly Meets Regenerate

Iglu and Hartly 
by Photographer Sally Rose
Check out her website:-